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Saving You Time So You Can Spend It Doing What You Love, Not Sitting in A Waiting Room. 

Direct-Patient-Care Model

For Family Care and Osteopathic Manipulation: 

By utilizing technology, the Direct-Patient-Care Model allows patients to receive 80% of their Healthcare consultations from the comfort of their homes, hotel rooms, or wherever else they may be!


With your cellphone, computer, tablet or other device, you can have access to your doctor where you need it, when you need it. But don't worry, you can still get physical examinations! 

The purpose of a Direct-Care model is to remove the government and insurance companies from the equation of your healthcare. Too often these days, Americans are forced to cut corners on their healthcare to appease insurance companies.


Because some medications are not covered, and some procedures are not considered necessary, doctors are forced to curb the customization of each patient’s treatment. We aim to no longer make this the case for our patients.

 At the center of health care is the relationship between doctors and patients. We’re now re-affirming that commitment.


For over 30 years, Dr. Ross has been serving the greater-Brewer area. Now, he can continue to serve it for many more.

The bottom line is the Direct-Patient-Care model allows higher quality, and more personalized healthcare.

Office Visits

Physicals, examinations, and other in-person services will still be fully available to all patients! The BIG difference: you only come in when you actually need to come in, you don't have spend an hour reading boring magazines in the waiting area, and you get more one-on-one time with your physician. 

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